Vote Eric Josephson for Track Division Delegate, TWU Convention

We urge Track Divison workers to vote for Eric Josephson as their delegate to the TWU International Convention. Bro. Josephson will bring the same principles to the Convention that he has tirelessly fought for in Local 100: mass militant action to fight all givebacks and to win our present demands. Over the years, he has proven that he doesn’t back down.

In Local 100, we threw out the corrupt and sellout James gang leadership. However, the battle remains to get rid of the equally corrupt and pro-boss International leadership of Sonny Hall Co. Nevertheless, to the surprise of numbers of members, Roger Toussaint and his “Unity” slate of candidates have made no statement of opposition to Hall in all of their campaign literature. That’s why it is so important to vote for Eric; he’ll hold the Toussaint slate’s feet to the fire in the campaign to get rid of Hall. The only way we can have real unity and a powerful fight against the bosses is by dumping the Hall leadership, which has so consistently tried to stab us in the back.

Josephson is a supporter of the LRP and welcomes the votes of revolutionary-minded workers in Track. But you don’t have to be a socialist to vote for him as delegate. All you have to want is a union and leadership committed to mobilizing workers’ power against the bosses’ attacks.